Put on the Full Armor of God.
Our Mission: To share God's goodness with the armor; to use it as a reminder that we can have His protection, both spiritually and physically.
Our Vision: To Armor our Brave; to get the Armor of God into the hands of all military personnel at no cost to them
Armor Our Brave
Around the world, many people serve in our armed forces, on battlefields far from home. These brave men and women have the best equipment and protective clothing and have had training unrivaled to any other military force. But all the equipment and all the training in the world cannot give them the same protection as the Full Armor of God.
Our brave men and women come under attack daily, but they need far more protection than from bullets and bombs alone. They come under attack from the evil one. They endure tiredness, fear, sadness, and emotional onslaughts that few of us could even begin to contemplate.
Many of us turn to Christ as our protector. We know the scripture of Ephesians 6:11: “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.” (NIV) We trust in God for our daily protection. The powerful scripture affirms that we need the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, and "our feet shod" (the boots) in preparation for peace.
This is the armor we should truly wear; it protects more than Kevlar or any kind of training. In the full armor of God, our troops are fully-equipped, and those of us at WearArmor® want to take this to a new level.
We want to get the "armor of God" to our troops, wherever they may be. A simple memento will remind them continuously that they are wearing the full armor of God. With this representational armor, we can feel safe knowing that He is with us.
WearArmor® will send an Armor of God coin and scripture to our troops, via a military liaison, for every purchase.